Criss Angel Freaks My Mind
Criss Angel became well known and universally mocked shortly after his now cancelled television show "Mindfreak" began airing back in 2005.* The show features Criss Angel performing various tricks and illusions while sporting eyeliner, a freshly waxed chest, and a diamond studded necklace in the shape of handcuffs (because nothing says "I'M A MINDFREAK!!!!!" like jewelry so gaudy even Liberace wouldn't have worn it). My problem isn't with the fact that he's a magician, it's that he looks so ridiculous yet takes himself seriously.
The man dresses in a style that can only be described as Hot Topic meets The Village People: all black clothes, large rings in the shape of skulls, and dyed black hair cut in an asymmetrical pattern that covers his eyes. Oh yeah, the all black clothes include an unbuttoned leather vest that accentuates his freshly waxed chest. How this man is completely oblivious to the homoerotic nature of his look is completely lost on me. I guess that's why he's the Mindfreak and I'm not.
Normally people in the entertainment industry have some amount of self awareness. They know the image they are projecting and how that image is perceived. Criss Angel either completely lacks that self awareness or doesn't care. How else can you explain why he voluntarily goes out in public looking like this?
People who actively sport the Criss Angel look usually do it ironically and for comedic purposes, such as Hope is Emo. Angel wears his skulls and chains non-ironically and with an earnestness that verges on pathetic. In perhaps his greatest trick ever, Criss Angel has managed to meld Criss Angel the man with Criss Angel the persona so thoroughly even he can't tell the difference. The results of the trick are painful because it involves watching a 40 year old man wear eyeliner and sing the theme song from his TV show live in Las Vegas.
Even if his fashion sense is forgivable(which it isn't), there is still the small matter of his website which proudly asks visitors to, "Give the gift of Criss Angel. Criss Angel Fan Club Memberships Available Now." Not only is he assuming that people want to be part of his fan club, but that being a part of that club is somehow gift worthy. Wondering what to get that special person in your life who seems to have everything? Why not bless them with the epic fail that is Criss Angel's magic career?
More pictures of Criss Angel can be found here and here, although I think he'd be better represented if his photos were posted here.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm taking about, here is a commercial for Criss Angel's show "Mindfreak."
* Editor's Note: Holy crap, "Mindfreak" is still on the air and about to begin a new season on A&E. I could have sworn A&E stood for Arts and Entertainment. Criss Angel is neither of those. They must be desperate for content.
Actually Mindfreak hasnt been cancelled it will start airing its 5th Season this summer! Facts would be in order....haahaaa
Actually, I do know that "Mindfreak" is still on the air, hence my editor's note (marked by an asterisk) stating as much. Believe it or not, I actually research the things I post.
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